Philosophy 170 Test #3                                                                                                           Name_________________________

Use the information about mood and figure to reconstruct the argument. Then, evaluate the argument for Boolean and Aristotelian validity using Venn diagrams. If the argument is valid only in Aristotelian logic, tell me what class must have a member. Make sure to state if the argument is valid or invalid in each logic. (8pts)

1.) Is the an argument that has an AAI mood and a figure 4 valid in either logic? If so, which logics? If valid only in Aristotlean logic, what class has to have a member?

All P are M
All M are S 
Some S are P
   Valid in Aristotelian Logic if P has a member

2.)  Is the an argument that has an AEA mood and a figure 2 valid in either logic? If so, which logics? If valid only in Aristotlean logic, what class has to have a member?

All P are M
No S are M
All S are P           Invalid Both Logics    

Use Venn diagrams to evaluate the validity (both Boolean and Aristotelian) of the following direct inference.  If the argument is valid write the logic or logics in which it is valid. (4pts)

3.) It's false that all Harry Potter movies are financial failures.
Therefore, It's false that some Harry Potter movies are financial failures.

Invalid Both Logics

Use Venn diagrams to evaluate the validity (both Boolean and Aristotelian) of the following arguments. If the argument is valid write which logic or logics for which it is valid. If it is valid only in Aristotelian logic write down which class must have at least one member. (6pts) 

4.) All high schools are schools competing for the "punk rock prom".
No colleges are schools competing for the "punk rock prom".
Thus, Some colleges are not high schools.

Invalid Boolean Logic, valid Aristotelian Logic.

5.) All people in Los Angeles are people who should conserve energy.
All people who should conserve energy are people who should look into solar panels.
Hence, some people who should look into solar panels are people in Los Angeles.

Invalid Boolean, Valid Aristotelian

Translate the following into standard form categorical propositions. (4pts)

6.) You're not a suspect in a murder case only if you're a California congressman.

No suspects in a murder case are California congressmen.

7.) Not every Emmy was won by the West Wing.

Some Emmys are not Emmy's won by the West Wing.

8.) Harry Potter is no Larry Potter rip-off.

No Things identical to Harry Potter are Larry Potter rip-offs.

9.) People just love Monsters Inc.!

All things identical to Monsters Inc. are things that people just love.